Saturday, January 15, 2011


I had a good competition in China ending up 10th. I was certainly ready to head home. The travel home was very long and the trip in Europe and China was getting long too. The travel home ended up being 56:30 hours +. That is a record and I hope I never break it. We went from China to Europe to U.S.A. it would have been much niceer to just fly direct from Beijing to the U.S.. I made it home in time for Christmas which was very good because I did not want to be stuck in Europe for Christmas with all of the snow storms. Christmas was nice we stayed at home for the morning, then we drove over to Aspen to see the rest of the family. We went sledding up at my Grandparents cabin.
I coached the kids at Ski and Snowboard Club Vail (SSCV) for their Christmas Camp. I had a good time working with them. It is great to coach the kids because it reminds you how far you have come and what a little hard work can do. It was also really fun to coach them because I skied some places I had not skied in a couple of years. Skiing the trees and moguls with the kids was really fun.
After I was done coaching I trained on the courses at Vail. I also got the opportunity to work on the airbag. The airbag was great because it is a good way to learn new tricks without having to wait for the summer and water ramps. I got some good training durring the break. I was also happy because I had consistent axes to the gym at SSCV (Center Of Awesomeness). It is really important to go to the gym because strength is a huge part of our sport.
I headed up to Mont Gabrial for a World Cup up here. Unfortunately it did not go very well. I fell after the top air and did not make the finals. I still have a couple of World Cups left over here so hopefully they go better. I am headed to Lake Placid tomorrow and I am really excited to go there. I had a great time at the OTC this summer and I really like it there. After Lake Placid I go to Calgary and I will see where I go from there.
Heidi Kloser