I coached the kids at Ski and Snowboard Club Vail (SSCV) for their Christmas Camp. I had a good time working with them. It is great to coach the kids because it reminds you how far you have come and what a little hard work can do. It was also really fun to coach them because I skied some places I had not skied in a couple of years. Skiing the trees and moguls with the kids was really fun.
After I was done coaching I trained on the courses at Vail. I also got the opportunity to work on the airbag. The airbag was great because it is a good way to learn new tricks without having to wait for the summer and water ramps. I got some good training durring the break. I was also happy because I had consistent axes to the gym at SSCV (Center Of Awesomeness). It is really important to go to the gym because strength is a huge part of our sport.
I headed up to Mont Gabrial for a World Cup up here. Unfortunately it did not go very well. I fell after the top air and did not make the finals. I still have a couple of World Cups left over here so hopefully they go better. I am headed to Lake Placid tomorrow and I am really excited to go there. I had a great time at the OTC this summer and I really like it there. After Lake Placid I go to Calgary and I will see where I go from there.
Heidi Kloser